Who we are

Experience Missions International, Inc (EMI) began in 2005 with a call from the Lord to help local churches move missions from a program of the church to a lifestyle of its people. We have trained, equipped and led over 75 teams internationally, and have seen God do what only He can do!

Through the course of our journey we realized a very common thread… churches knew how to “do church” but very few knew how to “be the church”. The result of this is an increased number of consumer Christians, and less and less discipled followers of Jesus. This has led to division and disunity in the church, and left many people in the church to feel lost, confused, lonely, hurt. This includes some of our best and most gifted Spiritual leaders.

In 2022, we felt the Lord calling us to engage this on a very practical level. He gave us a new vision and mission, and a new name - Restore Ministries International. Our call is simple… to join Him in restoring all things to Himself, beginning with the body of Christ. Those who are ready to experience God’s healing, presence, peace, freedom, joy, and the abundant life He has promised us in our everyday lives on earth, just as it is in Heaven.

Our Values

  • Centered on Following Jesus

  • Anchored in His Word

  • Led by His Spirit

  • Covered in Prayer

  • Longing for His Return

Our Objectives

  • Abiding Rest and Renewal

  • Ongoing Maturity in Christ

  • Flourishing Gifts and Passions

  • Deep Relational Connections

  • Active Responding to God

Our Founder and Executive Director - Brent Harrison

After graduating the University of Georgia in 2000 with a business degree, and beginning a successful career in sales, Brent’s life was radically changed by an encounter with Jesus on a mission trip to Peru in 2003. Just two years later, in 2005, God called Brent to leave the business world and form Experience Missions International.

Brent is a licensed, ordained Pastor, a certified Life Coach, and a classically trained Spiritual Director. He has worked on local church staffs providing pastoral care, discipleship and missions leadership. He has led and facilitated over 75 Mission Trips around the world and loves engaging the global church, pastors and missionaries around the world.

Brent has a beautiful, creative wife, Rebekah, and two amazing children, Avery and Brooks, who are his treasures from the Lord. They enjoy traveling, being at the pool, the lake, the beach, watching movies, playing games and being with family and friends.